Reading Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing

The latest comprehension strategy we have been learning is visualizing.

When Readers visualize while reading:

  • they are using words they hear or read in a text to create visual images or “movies in the mind”.
  • they can turn on their brains just as they would turn on their TVs, to enjoy the many images they create.
  • they’re training their brains for when they begin to read books that don’t include pictures with text.
  • they are encouraged to activate their imaginations as they read
  • they combine their own background knowledge with the words of the author to create mental images that enhance understanding of the text and bring reading to life.
  • they are able to activate all their senses to create mental images.
  • it is most likely when reading books about places, weather, or seasons that are filled with rich, descriptive, and vivid language.” Adrienne Gear, Reading Power